
GALLIMAUFRY. n.s. [galimafrée, French.]
I. A hoch-poch, or hash of several sorts of broken meat, a
medley. Hanmer.
They have made of our English tongue a gallimaufry, or
hodge-podge of all other speeches. Spenser.
2. Any inconsistent or ridiculous medley.
They have a dance, which the wenches say is a gallimaufry
of gambols, because they are not in’t. Shakesp. Winter’s Tale.
The painter who, under pretence of diverting the eyes,
would fill his picture with such varieties as alter the truth of
history, would make a ridiculous piece of painting, and a
mere gallimaufry of his work. Dryden’s Dufresnoy.
3. It is used by Shakespeare ludicrously of a woman.
Sir John affects thy wife.
–Why, sir, my wife is not young.
–He wooes both high and low, both rich and poor;
He loves thy gallimaufry, friend. Shakespeare.

1 Response to “GALLIMAU’FRY. n.s.”

  1. 1 » Gallimaufry Trackback on May 12, 2010 at 10:37 am

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